An Intuitive Eating Approach
Imagine telling the food police to take a hike. What if you could eat what you want and also feel good about it? Seems like a novel concept, yet an impressive amount of research is shedding light on the approach that it’s actually ok to have your cake and eat it too. Intuitive Eating (IE)* helps to repair the relationship you have with food, whether it be broken, damaged, disconnected, or merely unfulfilling. It provides a sustainable way to choose foods that you like and that nourish your body. It challenges the way that you view your body and how you move it. Learning how to eat intuitively allows you to tune in to the eating experience and reclaim the satisfaction and enjoyment of eating you’ve likely been missing out on. It is the ease and sanity you’ve been searching for. Question is - are you ready to stop trying to be something you are not, when you can be the best version of yourself?
* IE is a philosophy created and outlined in Intuitive Eating (4th Ed.), by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch